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Class 1

Welcome to Class 1! 


Our class team is:


Mrs Gibson, Mrs Milliken and Mrs Cooper


Mystery Reader is our favourite day of the week. Who will it be next Friday?

School Trip

Emma Nwofor visited us today and inspired us to always try our very best. "Practice makes permanent".

In History we have been looking at Transport, past and present. We completed a traffic survey to see what types of transport pass our school.


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We've started our new imagination Topic. We have been practicing following the pulse of a song. We finished our lesson singing a verse of a song we had learnt.

African Drumming

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The children were amazing as always

Wonder Dome! What a brilliant opportunity to be able to learn more about space during science week. We also learnt that in Autumn next year, something exciting will be happening, another landing on the moon maybe!!?Watch this space!!.

Estimating on a numberline to 50

Science Week, making slime!

Our class core value assembly - Enjoy Learning Together!

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On Friday, Class 1 won 2 cups!! The class cup and the Attendance cup. Well done class 1!

The children had a question to answer when they came into school. This was the question......

These were their fantastic responses!

In Computing this term we have been looking at Maze explorers. Our aim was to understand the functionality of the basic direction keys to complete challenges successfully. 

This week in science, we were collecting data to compare our foot and hand size. We used multilink cubes to find out the length of our hands and feet. 

DT Showcase. We enjoyed looking at all the different creations each class had been working on. 

Spirit of Christmas Bake off!

We had a fantastic variety of performances from Year 1 for our Children in Need Talent show! Well done to everyone that took part, it was brilliant!

Library Opening

This half term in PE we have completed the Throwing and Catching unit and learnt basic ball handling skills. First we learnt how to control a ball when we were rolling and bouncing, throwing and catching it, on our own, with a partner and in a group. Then we practiced underarm throwing and two handed catching. After, we developed our tracking and receiving skills, which are essential skills for playing ball games. We also took part in some simple team games, following rules, competing, and supporting each other to win. The final lesson was to showcase our skills in a carousel of activities. Well done Class 1!

This week in Digital Citizenship we have been looking at media balance. We learnt a little song to recite when we are asked to come off our device. We then acted this out in pairs to show how we would do this calmly and safely.

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Pause, breathe, finish up.

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Whole class

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Family activity for home

Today we were visited by Paul Sturgess, the tallest Basketball player in the world! We were all so inspired today. Paul said to the children: "If we look around the room, we all look very different, we may all sound very different, we all probably come from different backgrounds but we shouldn't let that affect us. "We should always be proud of ourselves." My favourite was when he told the children that their idol should be the person they see in the mirror.

Basketball skills

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Basketball skills

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Basketball Skills

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Basketball skills

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We have been looking at finding the pulse in different songs. We can use our body in different ways to show the pulse.

Artwork complete! Well done Class 1!

Art Work in progress

Tour of Britain

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On the 8th of September Class 1 lined up outside School to cheer on the Tour of Britain cyclists! This was very exciting!

From Class R to Class 1
