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Class 1

Welcome to Class 1! 


Our class team is:


Mrs Gibson, Miss Bellamy and Mrs Sawkins


Our Phonics sounds this week are:


This term in English we will be looking at the story of Alan's Big Scary Teeth! We will be retelling the story, working on our sentence structure and use of adjectives. We will then be making our own versions! 


This half term in maths we will be looking at numbers to 20. We will be using our number knowledge to add and subtract numbers to 20.

Wider Curriculum


Our history topic this term is 'Who helps us?' We have been looking at significant individuals who have helped through history such as Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We finished our topic this week with a Doctors and Nurses day to celebrate our learning. We had lots of fun and even learnt some real life first aid skills!

Our Core Value Assembly - Enjoy Learning Together

Core Value Assembly

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Chinese Dragon Dance

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Autumn Term

Christmas Production - A huge well done to our class 1 pigs, birds, cats and shepherds!

Christmas Time at Blackmore 🎄

In our Science learning we have been looking at materials. We went on a material hunt around the school and then looked at the properties and what made each material special. We have been searching for the best material to make Paddington Bear a new raincoat! We investigated lots of materials and looked at their properties.

Paddington's Raincoat Experiment


Our topic in Autumn was 'What is it like here and how has it changed?' We  spent lots of time looking at the Geography of our school and village and are now started to look at the history. We looked at some toys through the ages and wrote questions  for our Grandparent visit! To finish our topic we wrote letters home and took a walk through the village to post them! We hope you enjoyed reading them!

Grandparent visit

Old toys

In Geography we looked at maps and made messy maps of our classroom! We also worked with Year 6 to make maps of the school.


In PE this half term we have been practising a variety of fundamental skills! We have been balancing, throwing, practising our agility skills, skipping, hopping, jumping and catching. 

In PE this term, we have started our Dance unit and have begun putting together steps to create a routine about the weather! We worked hard to dance to the beat and keep in time. 

Snow dance!

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Diwali Dance

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Diwali Dance part 1

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Part 2

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Part 3

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Part 4

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Lesley’s Visit 12.11.24 Anti-Bullying Week


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Learning to play the glockenspiel in music

Children In Need 💛
