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Staff & Governors

All staff members are committed to our school and work together to ensure that not only do we provide a stimulating learning environment for children to learn, but also to make Blackmore Primary School a great place for everyone in our school community.

Mrs Andrea Farrant

Miss Jessica Mills
Miss Chris Mann         
Miss Billie Owen 

Miss Ellie Watson
Miss Isobel Palmer
Miss Louise Bellamy

Mrs Rachael Gibson

Miss Katy Read

Mrs Keli Wiles   

Mrs Vicky Cooper

Miss Toni Sweeting
Mrs Anita Bastin

Mrs Emily Warwick

Mrs Katy Potton

Mrs Priya Mistry

Mrs Hannah Pyke
Mrs Fleur Morgan 
Mrs Carolyn Sawkins
Mrs Kelly Sims

Mrs Jenny Emmett

Mrs Claire Willis-Parsall

Mrs Nicki Unwin
Mr David Emmett
Mr Thomas Bury 

Mrs Susan Taylor

Mrs Karen Stokes
Mrs Tracey Barrow

Mrs Heather Tann




Deputy Headteacher/Year 6 Teacher
Year 5 Teacher
Year 4 Teacher

Year 3 Teacher 
Year 2 Teacher
SENDCO/Year 1 Teacher
Year 1 Teacher

Year R Teacher
Leadership Cover

PPA Cover

Swimming Teacher

Year 6 Teaching & Learning Support Assistant

Year 6 Teaching & Learning Support Assistant

Year 5 Teaching & Learning Support Assistant//Midday Assistant

Year 4 Teaching & Learning Support Assistant
Year 3 Teaching & Learning Support Assistant
Year 2 Teaching & Learning Support Assistant/Midday Assistant

Year 1 Teaching & Learning Support/Midday Assistant
Year R Teaching & Learning Support Assistant

Finance & Personnel Manager

Administrative Assistant
Midday Assistant
Site Manager
School Cleaner

School Cleaner
Catering Manager
Kitchen Assistant

Kitchen Assistant



The Governors of our School Governing Body have a strategic role in the development of the school in relation to the management of the school's budget, curriculum, staffing and premises and work in partnership with the Headteacher and staff. The Governing Body of Blackmore School consists of fifteen members, five of whom are elected by the parents, one as teacher governor and a support staff governor and the rest come from a cross section of the local community and represent a wide range of interests and professions. A Clerk is appointed by the Governing Body to carry out administrative tasks as required. The Governors meet regularly to discuss issues relevant to our school. In addition, formal and informal visits are made by individual governors. “The quality of governance continues to be a strong feature of the school. Led by an extremely knowledgeable chair, the governing body provides extremely effective challenge and support. ” (Ofsted June 2016, p. 3).


Co-Opted Governors

Peter Snelling



Denise Fisher



Deborah Moppett


Roger Keeble


Rachel Rebel

Local Authority Appointed Governors

Jeremy Webb

Parent Governors

Emma Lloyd

Michelle Morgan

Staff Governors

Jessica Mills 


Please contact the Chair of Governors via the school office.





Chair of Governing Body

Staff Development & Governor Induction


Vice Chair of Governing Body

HR & Finance


Safeguarding, SEND & Disadvantaged


Health & Safety






Science & Environment



Arts, Music & Culture







Governors Welcome Letter

Governors Register of Attendance
