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Friends of Blackmore

Friends of Blackmore (FOB)

All parents are automatically members of our Parent -Staff Association as soon as their child is admitted to the school. Friends of Blackmore brings together the staff, parents and friends of the school for the benefit of the children's education. The profits from social and fundraising activities are donated to the school and spent entirely on improving the educational resources. Committee members are always pleased to hear from anyone willing to lend a helping hand or about any new ideas for future activities. Please help your child by supporting The Friends of Blackmore Primary school.

Micro Scooters

We are delighted to have received a donation of scooter accessories from Micro Scooters. Renowned for revolutionising the school run with their iconic 3 wheel scooters, did you know Micro also have an award winning nursery range including ride-on toddler scooters, Space hoppers and a new stroller?
