With Miss Read and Mrs Sims
In Reception class we play, learn, enquire and grow together.
Our empowering learning themes are celebrated everyday.
I can talk about my learning
I am a good friend
I am independent
I can talk about my feelings
I am a team worker
I can join in
These enable our youngest pupils of the school to develop positive attributes and attitudes to be the best that they can be!
Our Class Core Value is: Independence. We are learning to be independent citizens of Blackmore School.
Our learning this year will be based on high-quality texts that are linked to a different colour every month. Our inspiring topics will take us on wonderful colourful adventures learning about the oceans and seas, famous pirates, the amazing polar regions and lots more! As well as this, we will be learning about important events and celebrations throughout the year.
We are very lucky to have two classrooms, one inside and one outside. In our classrooms we will be developing our fine motor skills in the construction area, using our imaginations in the role play areas, and making beautiful artwork in the creative areas. We will also be working very hard in maths, literacy and phonics so that we are ready for Year 1!
On our class page you will find lots of helpful information to support your child’s learning including class letters, helpful websites and activities. You will also find photographs of our star learners!
Here you will find some photos of us learning together.
Please use photos responsibly.
“The Best Day Ever!!” We celebrated Bonfire Night with our own Class R bonfire! We had hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream and snacked on some edible sparklers. Miss Read played the ukulele and we sung some campfire songs. Mrs Sims lit the ‘bonfire’ and we warmed up our hands.
What a great start to our first week! We won the very first Class Cup of the year. Mrs Farrant said we were the worthy winners for settling in so nicely, coming in so well in the morning and sitting in assembly so quietly. Miss Read and Mrs Sims are so proud of us.