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Class 5

Welcome to our Year 5 Class Page! 

The teaching team is Miss Mann and Mrs Potton


Gladiator Steel came to visit! Thank you FOBS!

Our Gladiator t-shirts!

Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies

Our World Book Day celebrations and activities!

Congratulation on earning the Class Cup year 5!

FOBS Wish List gifts! Thank you FOBS!

FOBS Christmas Treats! Thank you!

Basketball Tricks

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Previous Years....

The Wizard of Oz

Pedestrian Training and Road Safety

Food & Farming 2023 - Thanks for a fantastic day learning about farming in our local area and the food it produces for us to eat.

BYT with Lesley - Everything is Possible!

Class 5 - winners of all 3 Blackmore cups in one week! Tremendous team work year 5!

Our No Mow May success!

Coronation Dance Workshop

Our final project day with The Wilderness Foundation!

Sharing and celebrating our Famous Brazilian homework!

Speed Watch

Sharing our DT pop-up story books with Class R and Year 1.

Our Wilderness Foundation Animations

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No Mow May Animation

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Litter for a Lifetime

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Wildlife Habitats

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Sharing our favourite books.

World Book Day Celebrations

Zones of Regulation Week: Green

Zones of Regulation Week: Blue

Zones of Regulation Week: Yellow

Zones of Regulation Week: Red

Continuing our learning journey with The Wilderness Foundation

Our first session with Claire from The Wilderness Foundation.

We used images of the animals and plants from specific habitats to build towers.  When one was lost (taken away), our towers fell. This made us think about how important it is to keep and maintain all of the pieces in the habitat.  


Thank you to FOBS for our Christmas Wish List gifts!

Christmas Dinner!

Thank you to all the kitchen and midday staff who made our Christmas Dinner so special.  Merry Christmas! 

Ukulele Performance

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Jingle Bells

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Our final netball session - look how our game play has improved!


Thank You to FOBS for our wonderful surprise this afternoon!

Remembrance Day

BYT with Lesley!

A busy, but fun, week in Year 5! Netball, ukuleles, pond dipping and sharing our Dunkirk history homework.

IWM Duxford

We are proud to have been awarded the first Attendance Award of the Year. Well done Year 5!

Our attendance in year 5 remains fantastic - we were awarded the Attendance Cup again on Friday 4th November!

Science - What will happen to different materials if they are put into a fire?

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Class Letter 2023

Autumn Term Science
