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Class 4

Welcome to Class 4

The teaching team: Miss Owen, Mrs Pyke and Mrs Wiles


Here you can find lots of useful information about learning in our class. The different pages can be used to support learning at home and provide fun and engaging activities. 


Below is our gallery of the exciting things we have been doing in Class 4!



FOBS Gladiator Surprise! We loved meeting Steel and had a fantastic afternoon!

Brighter Cup Winners - couldn’t be prouder of all of you! What an amazing way to celebrate how far you have all come. Well done!!

BYT with Lesley - the children had lots of fun and spoke about transition to Year 5

An amazing trip to Writtle Food and Farming Festival !

Making electrical circuits in science !

Class 4 and 3 girls football tournament! They played fantastically well, even scoring 7-0 in one match. Well done the ‘Football Five’!!

In English we have been writing a tour of the school. Today we presented it to our special guest!

Class cup and attendance cup winners!!

What a fantastic week to be in Class 4! We have won both the attendance cup and the class cup! We couldn’t be prouder. Keep up the hard-work !!🥳

Finding angles in maths - we even got to write on the tables!

A fantastic afternoon of playing rounders in the sunshine !

In science we made cup phones and explained how the sound travelled to year 2!

An incredible workshop with athlete Emma Nwofor

Creating soundproof boxes in science

Sharing our stories of the Iron Man

Class 4 worked very hard creating their pavilions in DT. They look amazing!

Sound walk in Science. We explored all the sounds we could hear in school.

African Drumming Workshop

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The children were so focused and had so much fun!

An Incredible Morning with the Inflatable Planetarium !

Science experiment to see how to keep our teeth healthy!

Sublime Science Wow Day !

Class 4’s Last Ukulele lesson. Can you guess the song?

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Class 4 have worked really hard this year to learn the ukulele and wanted to celebrate by playing one of their favourite songs ! Enjoy!

Fun in Music Lessons

Fun with Leslie from BYT

Where’s Wally for World Book Day!

Water Cycle in Science

Ukulele Race

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Our ukulele race winner with an amazing time of 4.8 seconds!

Exploring Evaporation in Science

Calculating perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Class 4 have worked very hard to create their dances in PE

Tudor Court !

Safer Internet Day 2024

FitFence Friday

Do gases weigh anything? Science experiment to find the fizziest drink!

Finding the fizziest drink!

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We shook our fizzy drinks every 30 minutes and weighed then when flat and fizzy. Fanta orange had the most gas, 4g!

SNAP! Spanish game linking to History

Gymnastics jumps and shapes

Retelling the Battle of Bosworth in History

Exploring Factor Pairs in Maths

Christmas Dinner

An Out of This World Christmas


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FOBS Incredible Christmas Treats

Two of our Fantastic Talent Show Performers

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Children in Need Spotacular

BYT - anti-bullying week

Animal adaptations to changing environments. How many can you spot?

Exploring the Water Cycle in Geography

Basketball Workshop 29.09.2023
